Boy Scouts to the Rescue

I want to give a great big THANK YOU to Ty Jensen of Scout Troop  68, Naperville, and his family, friends, and fellow scouts.

Ty Jensen (far right standing in white shirt) and his crew of family, friends, and fellow scouts after digging up sugar maple trees to give away at Veggie fest.

Ty Jensen volunteered to help with this project which he used for his Eagle Scout Service Project. What a great idea, Ty!

Ty’s help is critical in getting approximately 1,000 seedlings potted up, transported to the scene, and given away Veggie Fest. He also organized a fund raiser to help cover the cost of materials so that we can give  these trees away for FREE.

This is one of the 3 crews that Ty recruited. and organized. The crews worked simultaneously to get this big job done.
On each team, some people loosen the soil around the roots of the saplings with a pitch fork. Others gently dug the saplings out the ground so as not to break the roots and then immediately put them into tall, 32 oz cups so the delicate root hairs would not dry out. And other gathered the potted seedlings and carried them to the staging area where they were watered.


Everyone helped, even the little girls who kept a fresh supply of pots for each team to plant in, in between petting the puppy, of course.