Wanna free tree?

If you are in the Western suburbs of Chicago and would like to plant a free tree…

Just send an email to info@theSandyMapleSeedProject.com or click the Contact Us button in the upper right corner.

If you want to help and you…

  1. have an idea about how to get more trees planted in the ground, or
  2. know of a group who would like to use this as a fund raiser, or
  3. know of a teacher, school, or church group that would distribute these trees, or
  4. would like to help pot up more seedlings, or
  5. are interested in volunteering in some other way, or even
  6. want to make a donation to help cover costs

then send an email to info@theSandyMapleSeedProject.com.

All help would be greatly appreciated!


Sugar Maple Facts

Photo Credit: Arbor Day Foundation Website
Sugar Maples turn brilliant colors

The sugar maple (Acer Saccharum) is one of America’s  best-loved trees. In fact, more states have claimed it as their state tree than any other single species—those states being New York, West Virginia, Wisconsin and Vermont.

While commercially planted for its delicious syrup and value as lumber, this tree makes  a great addition to any yard or park. And one of its most prominent features is amazing fall color. As the seasons change, the leaves turn vibrant shades of yellow, burnt orange and red.

Sugar Maple Alley

Read more about these magnificent trees at:  https://www.arborday.org/Trees/TreeGuide/treedetail.cfm?itemID=870

The Real Johnny Appleseed

The Real Johnny Appleseed Brought Apples—and Booze—to the American Frontier

Full article at: Smithsonianmag.com

Drawing of Jonathan Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed.
John Chapman, known as Johnny Appleseed, planted orchards across the frontier. (Wikipedia)
“On a family farm in Nova, Ohio, grows a very special apple tree; by some claims, the 175 year old tree is the last physical evidence of John Chapman, a prolific nurseryman who, throughout the early 1800s, planted acres upon acres of apple orchards along America’s western frontier, which at the time was anything on the other side of Pennsylvania.

Today, Chapman is known by another name—Johnny Appleseed—and his story has been imbued with the saccharine tint of a fairy tale. If we think of Johnny Appleseed as a barefoot wanderer whose apples were uniform, crimson orbs, it’s thanks in large part to the popularity a segment of the 1948 Disney feature, Melody Timewhich depicts Johnny Appleseed in Cinderella fashion, surrounded by blue songbirds and a jolly guardian angel.

But this contemporary notion is flawed, tainted by our modern perception of the apple as a sweet, edible fruit. The apples that Chapman brought to the frontier were completely distinct from the apples available at any modern grocery store or farmers’ market, and they weren’t primarily used for eating—they were used to make America’s beverage-of-choice at the time, hard apple cider.”

Read more at: Smithsonianmag.com: The Real Johnny Appleseed

Top 22 Benefits of Trees

Here are 22 of the best reasons to plant and care for trees or defend a tree’s standing:

Trees combat climate change

Excess carbon dioxide (CO2) caused by many factors is a building up in our atmosphere and contributing to climate change. Trees absorb CO2, removing and storing the carbon while releasing the oxygen back into the air. In one year, an acre of mature trees absorbs the amount of CO2 produced when you drive your car 26,000 miles.

Trees clean the air

Trees absorb odors and pollutant gases (nitrogen oxides, ammonia, sulfur dioxide and ozone) and filter particulates out of the air by trapping them on their leaves and bark.

Trees provide oxygen

In one year an acre of mature trees can provide enough oxygen for 18 people.

Trees cool the streets and the city

Average temperatures in Los Angeles have risen 6°F in the last 50 years as tree coverage has declined and the number of heat-absorbing roads and buildings has increased. Trees cool the city by up to 10°F, by shading our homes and streets, breaking up urban “heat islands” and releasing water vapor into the air through their leaves.

Trees conserve energy

Three trees placed strategically around a single-family home can cut summer air conditioning needs by up to 50 percent. By reducing the energy demand for cooling our houses, we reduce carbon dioxide and other pollution emissions from power plants.

Trees save water

Shade from trees slows water evaporation from thirsty lawns. Most newly planted trees need only fifteen gallons of water a week. As trees transpire, they increase atmospheric moisture.

Trees help prevent water pollution

Trees reduce runoff by breaking rainfall thus allowing the water to flow down the trunk and into the earth below the tree. This prevents storm water from carrying pollutants to the ocean. When mulched, trees act like a sponge that filters this water naturally and uses it to recharge groundwater supplies.

Trees help prevent soil erosion

On hillsides or stream slopes, trees slow runoff and hold soil in place.

Trees shield children from ultra-violet rays

Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the United States. Trees reduce UV-B exposure by about 50 percent, thus providing protection to children on school campuses and playgrounds – where children spend hours outdoors.

Trees provide food

An apple tree can yield up to 15-20 bushels of fruit per year and can be planted on the tiniest urban lot. Aside from fruit for humans, trees provide food for birds and wildlife.

Trees heal

Studies have shown that patients with views of trees out their windows heal faster and with less complications. Children with ADHD show fewer symptoms when they have access to nature. Exposure to trees and nature aids concentration by reducing mental fatigue.

Trees reduce violence

Neighborhoods and homes that are barren have shown to have a greater incidence of violence in and out of the home than their greener counterparts. Trees and landscaping help to reduce the level of fear.

Trees mark the seasons

Is it winter, spring, summer or fall? Look at the trees.

Trees create economic opportunities

Fruit harvested from community orchards can be sold, thus providing income. Small business opportunities in green waste management and landscaping arise when cities value mulching and its water-saving qualities. Vocational training for youth interested in green jobs is also a great way to develop economic opportunities from trees.

Trees are teachers and playmates

Whether as houses for children or creative and spiritual inspiration for adults, trees have provided the space for human retreat throughout the ages.

Trees bring diverse groups of people together

Tree plantings provide an opportunity for community involvement and empowerment that improves the quality of life in our neighborhoods. All cultures, ages, and genders have an important role to play at a tree planting or tree care event.

Trees add unity

Trees as landmarks can give a neighborhood a new identity and encourage civic pride.

Trees provide a canopy and habitat for wildlife

Sycamore and oak are among the many urban species that provide excellent urban homes for birds, bees, possums and squirrels.

Trees block things

Trees can mask concrete walls or parking lots, and unsightly views. They muffle sound from nearby streets and freeways, and create an eye-soothing canopy of green. Trees absorb dust and wind and reduce glare.

Trees provide wood

In suburban and rural areas, trees can be selectively harvested for fuel and craft wood.

Trees increase property values

The beauty of a well-planted property and its surrounding street and neighborhood can raise property values by as much as 15 percent.

Trees increase business traffic

Studies show that the more trees and landscaping a business district has, the more business will flow in. A tree-lined street will also slow traffic – enough to allow the drivers to look at the store fronts instead of whizzing by.

Used with permission from TreePeople, an environmental nonprofit organization whose mission is to inspire, engage and support people to take personal responsibility for the urban environment, making it safe, healthy, fun and sustainable and to share our process as a model for the world.

More at: https://www.treepeople.org/resources/tree-benefits

How to Plant

  1. First, choose a nice location. Here is what you need:IMG_0922
    • Sunlight: Full sun is best but a partly shade site will also do as long as it get 4-6 hours a day of sunlight.
    • Drainage: Select a site with moist or well drained soil not one where the water collects in pools after a rain.
    • Road Salt: Make sure the site is not near a road that is heavily salted in winter.
    • Room to Grow: Be sure there is plenty of space for growth, as these trees can get pretty big:  60–75′ high and 40–50′ wide.  Allow at least 20′ on all sides.
  2. Next, dig a hole. Here how to do that:
    • Depth: Dig the hole a little deeper than the cup (about 1′). Back fill with 3-5 inches of compost or good quality top soil.
    • Width: Dig the hole about 3 times the diameter of the cup (about 1′).
    • Surrounding Surface Area: Remove plants 2-3′ around the hole, so the tree doesn’t have to compete for water and nutrients.
    • Water: Fill the hole with water and let it soak down into the surrounding area before planting to give your seedling a good start.
  3. Then plant your seedling:
    • Gently remove the seedling from the paper cup being careful you don’t damage the roots.
    • Immediately put the seedling into the hole–don’t expose the fine roots  to the sun or air any longer than necessary or they could dry up and cause your tree to die.
    • Place the seedling so that the top of the soil in the cup is at the top of the hole. Planting too deep or too shallow will make it hard for the roots to get the right amount of water and air.
    • Fill in the edges of the hole with good compost or loose top soil and pack down gently but firmly with your hands and then your feet to ensure that all of the roots are in contact with the soil.
    • Put a stake in the ground near the seedling to protect it from getting trampled. If need be loosely tie the seedling up to the stake so that it stands up straight and tall.
    • IMPORTANT: Add a surface layer of mulch such as chipped wood to cover the exposed soil. This will keep the moisture in the soil and the ground will stay cooler. It will also make it easier to weed.
  4. Finally, water:
    • Water immediately after planting and then occasionally the first year or so whenever the ground around it feels dry or hot.
    • The better job you do with the mulch, the less watering you will need to do.
  5. Enjoy:
    • If planted correctly, all you’ll have to do from now on is sit back and watch it grow. These trees are require little maintenance – maybe just light pruning of the bottom branches once or twice. They are also very hardy and have few if any diseases or pests.
    • After they “catch”, you can expect 1-3 feet of new vertical growth each year, depending on the location.
    • They turn a beautiful color in the Fall and will survive the winter easily.
    • Your kids will love to play in the fallen leaves  and when they are done, you can turn them into a nutritious compost for your garden.
    • You can even tap them for maple syrup, when they are mature.

What’s this about???

Ever heard of Johnny Apple Seed? Well, it’s sort of like that, but with seedlings instead of seeds and maples instead of apples.

I started giving away maple seedlings back in, oh, maybe 2005. That was a few years after my sugar maples had been particularly prolific and had produced a nice batch of “volunteer” seedlings which were growing happily.

Sugar maples were a large part of the reason I bought my house. The trees turn brilliant colors in the Fall, provide a cooling effect in the summer (it’s 10 degrees cooler under the shade of the maples than on my driveway). They let the warm rays of the sun through in winter time. They clean the air and give off an enormous amount of oxygen. They provide shelter for countless birds, squirrels, and all kinds of wildlife. So, the little seedlings were a welcome joy.

But everywhere around me, people were cutting down trees, clearing the way for more buildings, roads,  sidewalks, cement, asphalt, and well, civilization I guess. It was sad. I watched. I felt hopeless. Then I started giving away my little trees to anyone who would promised to plant them. I posted on free sites and told all my friends. The first year, I probably gave away 30 or 40 trees. The next year, a bit more, and the next, a little more. Somehow, though, it seemed like it just wasn’t enough.

At first, everyone wanted the biggest trees which were 3 to 6 feet tall. But these did not survive transplanting as well as the smaller ones. The roots of sugar maples, like many trees, grow deep and strong. The bigger they are, the harder it is to get them up out of the ground without breaking the roots. And the bigger the hole you need to successfully plant them, too.

So, I decided to try something new… I potted up some 1′ to 2′ seedlings in tall, thin 32-oz paper cups (about the size of a small popcorn carton at the movies). These did much better. The tall shape accommodated the roots better. Once filled, the cups were easier to carry and handle, and much easier to plant properly. I donated these seedlings to plant sales, churches, and pet stores. I managed to give away about 200 or so. The Green Earth Institute in south Naperville took 6 or 7 dozen and raised about $100 in donations from them. Somehow, it still did not seem like it was enough.

This is one of the mature trees that the seedlings came from showing it’s fall colors.

This year, I had an idea…why not hand them  out at VeggieFest! With 35,000 people expected to come from all over the  Midwest, this would really extend my reach.  So I called them up. The wonderful people at VeggieFest gave me a booth to hand out these free sugar maples. Then, a Boy Scout working on his Eagle Scout project volunteered to organize a crew to help with the potting and booth duty for event. So, this year is looking very promising!

If you can make it to VeggieFest, please stop by and say “hi” and take home a free baby tree! Or post a reply below and let me know how many you want. I’ll get them to you somehow! They are completely free, you just have to promise to plant them soon and water them a little the first year or so.

Wish me luck at Veggie Fest! Hope to see you there!


Sandy (aka “Sandy Maple Seed”)

Plant a tree and breathe easier!

We’ll be at Veggie Fest 2016!

We’ll be at Veggie Fest 2016 on July 23-24 so come to our booth and get your free Sugar Maple Seedling!

Vegetarian fairs and expos are happening all over the world including Canada, Belgium, Hong Kong, Australia, Israel, Thailand, the UK, France, Malta, India, Germany, Austria, Italy, Hungary, and twenty states in the U.S.? They all have vegetarian fairs and expos – lots of them. Vegan or vegetarian, it’s the most popular food trend in the world today and growing exponentially.

Veggie Fest Chicago is one of the largest vegetarian food and lifestyle festivals in North America. The two-day festival, which drew record-breaking crowds of over 35,000 people from around the world last year, will  be held at 4045 Naperville Rd. in Lisle, IL.

With a huge international food court; health professionals speaking on diet, lifestyle, and environmental issues; engaging food demos by restaurant owners,  chefs, and authors; an incredible children’s tent with face painting, clowns, and crafts; live music from some of Chicago’s best bands; over 100 vendor booths to explore; and free admission and free parking, Veggie Fest has become a highly anticipated summer event in the Chicagoland area.

Over the last ten years, Chicagoland residents have come to look forward to the annual festival, and event organizers are expecting another year of record-breaking attendance. With free admission, free parking, and tons of fun for the whole family, make sure you put July 23-24, 2016 on your calendar now so you don’t miss out on the 11th annual Veggie Fest! Go to www.veggiefestchicago.org for more information.

Got an idea?

If you have any ideas about how to reach more people who would be likely to plant a sugar maple seedling, please let us know!

We are open to suggestions.

Just reply below and let’s get a conversation tarted!

Wanna help?

Like to work outside in the garden on a beautiful day? Live in or around the western suburbs of Chicago?

Then why not volunteer to help pot up some sugar maple seedlings to give away? It is and fun and you can bring your friends to help, too.

We’ll supply all the pots, soil, tools, and sugar maple seedlings. You supply the labor.

The best time is usually on the weekend or early evenings during the week for an hour or  two at most.

Just send us an email (info@thesandymapleseedproject.com) or post a reply below  and let  us know what works best for you–we’ll make it happen.